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A Few Things Your Child Needs To Know Before Enrolling In Kindergarten

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As your child gets closer to school age, you may be contemplating if they are in fact ready for it. This can be especially true if they have never had to go to a daycare or preschool setting. They will need to get used to being away from you and home, and having a new adult with them throughout the day. With this in mind, here are a few things they may be evaluated on during the enrollment process.

Self-Care Skills

A teacher cannot spend the same amount of time with each child that you do with your own during the day. Your child should be potty trained, be able to get dressed alone, eat without any assistance, and wash their hands alone. Now is the time to let them handle these tasks without your help if you have been doing it for them up to this point.

Language Skills

Your child should be able to form sentences and answer simple questions when asked. They need to be able to state their full name, how old they are, and if they are a girl or boy. In addition, they need to be able to understand simple directions when given them by a teacher. This will include things like "Take your seat," or "Put on your coat and stand in a line by the door."

Cognitive Skills

By school-age, a child should recognize common colors and shapes. They should also be able to see simple patterns and sequences. It is best if they can count up to five objects, know the basic body parts, and can put together a puzzle with 10 to 15 pieces. Take the time to sit with your child and help them with these things. Be sure to allow them time to come to the answer themselves instead of just telling them the answers after a few seconds.

Gross Motor Skills

A child of 5, the common age for entering kindergarten, should be able to walk and run. In addition, they should have the coordination to stand on one foot, kick a ball, and throw and catch a large ball.

It can be difficult to watch your child struggle while learning these different skills, but it is in their best interest to let them. They need to learn to become a bit independent. This will increase their self-confidence and help them not only in kindergarten but when they are faced with bigger challenges in life. Contact a school, like Triple R Child Care, for more help.
